Feeding and Educating
Our Community
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Working to enhance our community’s health by connecting people to agriculture and the land through hands-on learning opportunities, from seed to plate.
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Frequently Asked Questions
+ Can CCUA teach me how to grow food or help me start a garden?
Yes! You can join our live-streamed and pre-recorded workshops. Families living with low incomes can also sign up for the Opportunity Gardens Program. Last but not least, if you volunteer with us you’ll learn by doing.
+ Do you have programs for Veterans?
Yes, join us at the Mark and Carol Stevenson Veterans Urban Farm for volunteering and special events among a community of Veterans. If you are a patient at the Truman VA Hospital we offer job training and theraputic programs in partnership with the Truman VA.
+ Does CCUA sell or donate the food it grows?
Everything we grow is either donated to hunger relief organizations like the Central Pantry, or programs at the Truman VA Hospital.
+ How do I volunteer?
You can volunteer as an individual or as a group. To sign up, please fill out the form on our volunteer page.
+ How do I make a donation?
Donate securely online at ColumbiaUrbanAg.org/Donate or mail a check to CCUA, PO Box 1742, Columbia MO 65205
+ How do I organize a tour or field trip at the Agriculture Park or Urban Farm?
You can stop by anytime to poke around. If you’d like to schedule a tour or educational experience please click here.
+ Will CCUA come to my school or club to host an educational presentation or activity?
Sure thing, our staff educators would love to help out. For more information, click here.
+ I want to interview someone from CCUA
The process for journalists and student researchers can be found here.