All Programs

CCUA works to enhance our community’s health by connecting people to agriculture and the land through hands-on learning opportunities, from seed to plate. Our programs and services are designed to support eaters and learners of all ages, and happen at our farm locations, in school classrooms and gardens, at food pantries, at local healthcare and treatment facilities, and even right at your own home!

Programs and Services

Materials, skills, and personalized mentorship for at-home gardeners.

Paid apprenticeships, gardening-based therapies, and community events for local Veterans.

Fresh fruits and vegetables farmed specifically for local food relief outlets such as the Food Bank Market.

Children’s programming that emphasizes connections between food, health, and the environment through hands-on learning.

Scholarships to support new, Black farmers in mid-Missouri kickstart their business.

Public small-farm/large-garden CCUA’s farm rows, demonstration gardens, & food forest alongside Columbia Farmers Market, and the ARC.

Weekly “doses” of produce prescribed by a family’s healthcare provider and redeemable at Columbia Farmers Market. Starting on Jan 11, Produce Prescription Program will be administered by Columbia Farmers Market! CCUA, in collaboration with CFM and Compass Health, launched the program in 2021 and has administered the grant from 2021-2024. Now, CFM will be managing the grant due to their expanded capacity. CCUA has been honored to help pilot the program and can't wait to see where CFM will take it!