Planned Giving
There are many ways to give that support CCUA’s mission and help you meet your personal, financial, and estate planning goals. Some ways of giving are tax advantaged during your lifetime and others are tax advantaged after your lifetime reducing the tax burden of your estate. To learn more please contact Billy Polansky at 573-514-4174 or BillyP@ColumbiaUrbanAg.org
Click on the topics below to learn more.
Tax Advantaged During Your Lifetime
+ Donate stocks, corporate bonds, and other marketable securities
You can donate stock through our partner every.org who will convert it into cash! Once converted into cash, CCUA will use your gift to operate our programs! Donate with stock here: https://www.every.org/columbia-center-for-urban-agriculture?donateTo=columbia-center-for-urban-agriculture#/donate/stock
+ Donate with Cryptocurrency
You can donate cryptocurrency through our partner every.org who will convert your Crypto into cash! Once converted into cash, CCUA will use your gift to operate our programs! Donate with Crypto here: every.org/columbia-center-for-urban-agriculture#donate-crypto
+ Make a required minimum distribution from your IRA
Those over 70½ must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from retirement funds (i.e., an IRA, 401k, or 403b). These distributions are considered regular income and are taxed at the taxpayer’s regular rate. Donating all or part of the RMD to a charity satisfies the RMD on the amount donated while reducing taxable income, saving donors both federal and state tax. To make your Qualified Charitable Distribution to the Agriculture Park, contact your financial institution ask your Qualified Charitable Distribution be sent to Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, PO Box 1742, Columbia MO 65205. The check will come to us directly from your financial institution, so you should request that your name be printed in the check memo so that we can attribute the gift to you.
+ Make a gift of real estate
Your real property may be donated to CCUA. You can avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of the real estate, receive a charitable income tax deduction based on the value of the gift, and make a long-term impact on CCUA’s community impact. Each real estate donation is evaluated for how it can best serve CCUA’s mission. Donated properties may be used for programming, income generation, or be liquidated. Contact BillyP@ColumbiaUrbanAg.org if you would like to donate your real estate to CCUA.
+ Open a designated fund with CCUA as the beneficiary
Open a designated fund with our partner Community Foundation of Central Missouri. This investment fund provides a tax advantage during your lifetime. You can make donations to CCUA during your lifetime and after your death at specified intervals. CFCM monitors the use of donations to be sure the your intent is followed. To open a designated fund with CFCM, visit: cfcmfoundation.org/
Gifts Tax Advantaged After Your Lifetime
+ Designate CCUA as a beneficiary in your retirement or investment account
To leave your retirement assets to CCUA, you will need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan custodian. If you designate CCUA as beneficiary, we will benefit from the full value of your gift because your IRA assets will not be taxed at your death. Your estate will benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift.
+ Include CCUA in your will or trust
Bequests of real estate, personal property, business interests, and cash are typically made by way of a will, revocable trust or even a simple codicil to your current estate plan. Your estate-planning attorney can assist you in preparing the necessary papers for you to complete the bequest. Bequests are generally made in one of three ways:
Specific Bequest
Specify a dollar amount or specific asset as a gift to CCUA.
Sample Language:
I give the sum of (insert dollar amount) to COLUMBIA CENTER FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, now having its principal place of business at 1769 West Ash Street, Columbia MO 65203. Tax ID 26-4486257
Percentage Bequest
Specify a percentage of your estate as a gift to CCUA.
Sample Language:
I give all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, and wherever situated, which I may own or may be entitled to at the time of my death, all of which property shall be known as my "Residuary Estate", as follow: ( percent) to COLUMBIA CENTER FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, now having its principal place of business at 1769 West Ash Street, Columbia MO 65203. Tax ID 26-4486257
Residual Bequest
Specify the balance or residue of your estate as a gift to CCUA.
Sample Language:
All of the rest, residue and remainder of my property, both real and personal and wheresoever situate, I give, devise and bequeath to the COLUMBIA CENTER FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri, now having its principal place of business at 1769 West Ash Street, Columbia MO 65203. Tax ID 26-4486257
+ Designate CCUA as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy
If you purchased a life insurance policy to provide for minor children and they are now financially independent adults, you can repurpose that policy to benefit CCUA. If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, consider making a gift of your insurance policy to CCUA.
To make a gift of life insurance, please contact your life insurance provider, request a beneficiary designation form from the insurer and include Columbia Center for Urban Agriculture, PO Box 1742, Columbia MO 65205 (EIN: 26-4486257) as the beneficiary of your policy.
+ Open a designated fund with CCUA as the beneficiary
Open a designated fund with our partner Community Foundation of Central Missouri. This investment fund provides a tax advantage during your lifetime. You can make donations to CCUA during your lifetime and after your death at specified intervals. CFCM monitors the use of donations to be sure the your intent is followed. To open a designated fund with CFCM, visit: cfcmfoundation.org/