Market Gardening Apprenticeship
Develop skills including:
Greenhouse seedling production
Regenerative soil health practices
Cover cropping
Crop management of 20+ vegetables
Creating a small-farm business plan and sourcing funding for your operation
Hear from our Apprenticeship Graduates
Program Details:
An in-depth training at Columbia’s Agriculture Park.
Open to all experience levels.
Program runs March through October.
12 hour/week commitment for 32 weeks. A total of 384 hours.
a.m. & p.m. availability
Weekly workshop or guest lecturer
Hands-on work experience
Participants will receive a certificate of completion through Lincoln University.
Program offered free of charge. Living stipends of $1,000 - $500 per month are available upon request.
CCUA’s 2025 Market Garden Apprenticeship Application is now closed.
Thank you to all who applied! You will be contacted directly with further information about your application.
Thank you to our funders:

USDA Statement:
This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number NR223A750001G009.
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